Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Proud of me.

I haven't been writing much on the account we have been so busy and I had to have a root canal done (not fun).I was just sitting here a thinking about what to write,pretty much lost as to where to start.So as I sit here smelling the roasted chicken I just took out of the oven that's cooling down so I can pick it apart for future meals and then plop it in to a pot so I can make stock from it.It's the best way to use up all of what that bird has to offer you,and it's way better than any canned or boxed stock any day.I start to think how happy I'm here and who I'm becoming.I have finally figured out how to make a good loaf of bread and now I make 2 every monday.I no longer buy store bread, not even hamburger or hot dog buns because I can make them myself.I never knew how to hand sew properly so this weekend I learned how to do a blind stitch and fixed a couple holes that were in our fitted bed sheet that the washer must have done to it somehow.The old me would have said,oh well need to buy a new one,but not this new me I fixed it and I'm proud of myself.Mom bought me a sewing machine 2 years ago and I never used it because I didn't know how to thread it.So I took it in to moms and she showed me how to thread it and some basic how to's.My sewing isn't that great but I am learning.I can make pillows which is a good start and I made two last weekend.I had some fabric I picked up about 3 years ago so I'm happy I finally was able to use it.I have ben working on a yoyo quilt for about..I'm embarrassed to say,maybe 4-5 years.I was so pumped when I started but after having to make all those little yoyo's I tend to lose interest.
(Pretty sad huh)I'll get around to it one day.But as I was saying I'm really proud of myself,learning ways to better feed my family and learning new skills that we should all know anyway but modern day has made it too easy to rely on someone else and that really takes money from our pockets.I'm proud that I am taking my life back.We planted a garden and that's great now we are going to have our own little store..hehe.I can't wait to go pick my own juicy tomato!!! From homemade cleaners to one day homemade soap,canning and preserving,cooking from scratch,making bread and pastry's,washing cloth diapers and feeding my baby whole foods yummy veggies, fruits, pasta and grains! Hanging out the wash and watching the bed sheets blow in the breeze knowing how good it's going to feel when we finally get to lay down on them at night.Learning skills like using the weed wacker and knowing what to do if the mower stops working.Learning how to garden and how to plant things and how to maintain and keep them safe and growing well.Being a mom and learning how to be a better one every day.That's what Iam most proud of...the way I am raising my little boy I think I'm doing a fantastic job it's hard and trying sometimes but I love it! I'm so proud of me and who I have become and where I am headed it can only get better from here.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

you got your ferric orthophosphate in my mypyridoxine hydrochloride.

Yea..that's what I said..I love ovaltine,but this morning I was reading the label and got the idea for this post. I know it has vitamins and minerals in it but really it doesn't grown on a tree,come from the ground or have a mother.I cut out processed foods except for the occasional mac n cheese or ramen noodle soup.I have a lot of cancer and weight issues in my family and a long time ago I got into reading about all the chemicals they put in our food and how some chemicals have been banned from food in other parts of the world,and I wonder why we still have these in ours.I love to cook and with that I learned to cook from scratch.I used to just think it was fun and I liked making people happy with my food,I still do but now it's more than that.I have a baby and I want to be around for a long time.That means no more junk,which I haven't bought in a long time.There is no reason to buy spaghetti sauce,make it yourself.There won't be any preservatives in it or weird ingredients,,just tomatoes,olive oil and seasonings.This is just me I like to know what goes in my food and my babies food.Bread has preservatives and sometimes bleach! Yep that's how they get that white bread white and regular pasta is also bleached.So making your own pasta is flour,salt,egg,and toilet cleaners here.I learned to make my own bread which makes me feel accomplished and proud and confident knowing were not eating poison.
Even when I was working and coming home at 6 o'clock at night I still managed to get a made from scratch meal in.People would say I'm crazy and there is no way I should put myself through that stress.Stress? What are they talking about..I like to do this,this makes me happy and I know how to do it so it isn't stressful.I have a friend who can't and will not make homemade mashed potatoes,instead she makes them from a box...full of crap and salt and waste of money.They came over for dinner one night and I made meatloaf and mashed potatoes and what ever side.Her husband actually said to me "you make homemade mashed potatoes"..uh yea I said how else would you,and that's when I learned about the fake freezed dried add water potatoes he eats...sad.Any way I think I am rambling..

All I'm saying is that we have control over what we eat.I don't want to pay more for convenience and added thiamine hydrochloride.I want to save money and give my family a safe healthy meal and teach my son that vegetables come from the earth not in cans and meat is from animals, not just sitting neatly on a shelf.I want him to work in the garden and eat from it and appreciate good food and start him on a healthy path for life.I want to feel a sense of pride in myself that I don't need to rely on others and that I can make things myself.Like some lady on tv said this morning "if it wasn't in a jar on my grandmothers counter I don't want it on mine.