Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Tea for me..ya right!

t I realized this morning that,I should probably be waking up at six in the morning.Why you ask?Well, just so I can get in a cup of tea and maybe some cleaning or cooking.The baby wakes up around 7:30 or 8,and it's all about him.I need a cup of tea in the morning just to get me motivated and wake up.As I was taking this picture this morning I had a crying baby trying to crawl up my leg.All because I put him down because the kettle was whistling and I wanted to get a tea bag in my cup of water for crying out loud!
I came back in and calmed him down and played while my tea steeped,then god forbid I left to make my cup.As he crawled in trying to once again crawl up my leg.I made my cup,took him by the hand and we walked into the living room.We walked to the door because I wanted to open it up to get some light in and wake up the house.As I tried to take my first sip,I was almost depantsed at the front door as the baby tried once again to climb my leg.I put my cup down,picked up the baby and walked away as my hot tea steamed away all by it's self.
So,mabey tomorrow I'll try to get up early and see if I can get in some tea,a little me time, and get a few things done.That way I'll have the time I need to take full care of the baby.


Bethany said...

My mother in law calls these the days of cold coffee and warm beer.

ramia said...

Very ,very true words...except for me it's cold tea and watered down whiskey...yuck!